Oh, how I’m loving my hair! I’ve become completely obsessed with it’s health and I’ve been sticking to the hair schedule that I have finally created after tons of trial and error. Ever since my last perm (July), I’ve promised myself that I’d keep it cool by kicking the heat. And ladies, when I say my tresses are so thankful that I’m no longer burning their buns with my super hot flat iron — I truly mean it! The health of my hair has improved because I have (a) only given myself one flat iron pass per month, (b) have been ditching the soda and have been drinking way more water, and (c) have been incorporating natural products into my hair care routine! And as some of you may recall, I’ve been traumatized by everything that pretty much isn’t naturally made. I’ve always had sensitive skin and have always used natural products on my skin, so when I made the decision to go all natural it was only right that I did the same with my hair. From Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Coconut Oil, my body, skin, and hair, never say “no” to all of the natural goodness that I feed it! But just when I thought that I had finally figured this out this whole hair and skin routine thing, I woke up to socks on my feet that were never kicked off in the middle of the night. Yup, Fall is here and with 63 degree winds blowing in through my blinds, my hair and my skin feel totally different. It’s as though my routines have to now be tailored for each season. And after a bit of research and (again) a little bit of trial and error, I’ve found a few tips that’ll help you Fall Proof any routine / regimen that you have grown accustomed to this past Spring/Summer season! Here are some cost friendly and easy tips that can make your transition to Fall much smoother:
GRAB A THICKER MOISTURIZER With all of the cold and unforgiving winds that will be running wildly, your hair runs the risk of drying out more quickly than it would during the Summer time. Unlike the Summer’s sun, that oh so kindly bakes your products into your hair, the winter’s winds are definitely coldhearted and less generous. Invest in a moisturizer of a thicker consistency that can withstand that icy breeze. And don’t forget to seal it with an oil that will create a barrier that the wind will have a hard time breaking through.
SHAMPOO LESS, DEEP CONDITION MORE Because shampooing strips the hair it can be damaging once the cool wind penetrates the hair shaft which can eventually result in breakage. Consider shampooing your hair less and deep conditioning a little more. Deep conditioning will allow for your hair to be moisturized on a far more deeper level when compared to your daily moisturize and seal routine. This is beneficial, in the event that your moisturizer doesn’t do the job for the day – your deep conditioner will have it’s back and step in when your moisturizer falls short. If you do decide to use shampoo, look into a natural or mild one.
SKIP YOUR HAIR GELS AND SPRITZ That is, if you use them. Skip using these products (as often), as they contain elements that can cause them to stick and possibly injure your scalp. If you do decide to use these products, be sure to follow them with a gentle wash and be sure to detangle carefully.
PROTECTIVE STYLE MOST OF THE TIME Whether you rock a braid out or a twist out, protective styling will protect your ends, thus allowing you to retain length and preserve the hair that you do have. Constantly having your ends exposed can be really damaging to your hair, thus causing split ends and breakage. Always remember that dry hair breaks easily.
SOFTEN YOUR TOUCH Because your hair will be more delicate during this season be more gentle with your handling. Invest in a wide tooth comb and keep brushing to a minimum.
ALTHOUGH IT’S COOL, WASH AND DRY ON COOL Again, your hair is more delicate during this time of the year, so don’t dry it out even more. Wash and rinse your hair on luke warm or cool, as it will close your cuticle and allow for your hair to absorb the moisture from your hair products. Also dry your hair on cool so that it doesn’t become more brittle.
SUNSCREEN FOR THE WINTER GLARE Yes, the sun can still be damaging to your skin during the fall and winter seasons! And what better time is there to preserve your skin tone then during the less harsh seasons?! Always wear sunscreen when going outside and be sure to purchase one that is extremely moisturizing and long lasting.
GET SOMETHING TOUGH FOR YOUR FEET (Don’t lie) During the winter time we tend to neglect the areas of our bodies that we know no one will see. By neglect, I mean, we leave our legs ashy and lotionless but make sure that our hands and faces are super moisturized. During the winter months it’s important that you invest in something tough for your feet so that they are soft and smooth when its time to kick off your boots and dive back into the sand. I used to be a huge Petroleum Jelly fan, until I read tons of hazardous facts about it (post may come soon), but now, I use Raw African Shea Butter that I purchased at my local beauty supply. It lasts long on dry skin and makes me want to rub my feet together all day. Moisturize your feet twice a day and at night be sure to put on cotton socks after applying your moisturizer to keep your feet hydrated.
GET A DOSE OF VITAMIN D We get tons of Vitamin D during the Summer and Spring seasons because the sun does a great job of supplying us with it. But during the winter, the lack of Vitamin D can put us at greater risk of developing skin cancer and melanoma. If you’re not already taking a Women’s One A Day, be sure to grab a Vitamin D supplement, after your physician has approved your usage of it.
GET A DOSE OF VITAMIN A Vitamin A is your skin’s gift from God. Vitamin A will help correct uneven skin tone and rough skin. A hot sun can make this correction much more difficult so taking this supplement during the cooler seasons definitely is beneficial to your skin and will yield results that will be obvious once the Summer months roll back around!
KEEP HAND LOTION HANDY The skin of your hands are one of the most thinnest areas of skin on your body and because they tend to be the most exposed, when compared to the other parts of your body during this season, it’s important that you apply lotion to your hands after each wash. This will help you avoid excessive drying that can eventually lead to peeling.
PAT YOUR SKIN DRY Patting your skin dry after showering followed by applying lotion, will help lock in the natural oils of your skin, that will in turn, make your moisturized skin last longer.
BEST HAIR & SKIN OILS Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Argon Oil, and Avocado Oil. Research the benefits of each and choose one (or mix some) for a lethal body potion.